Rip Training (part of the TRX® system) utilizes a lever bar and resistance cord to deliver a unique mix of rotation, core stability, control, power, strength, mobility, metabolic conditioning, balance and coordination challenges through levera…

Rip Training (part of the TRX® system) utilizes a lever bar and resistance cord to deliver a unique mix of rotation, core stability, control, power, strength, mobility, metabolic conditioning, balance and coordination challenges through leverage-variable resistance exercise movements. Rip Training provides a simple, effective method to integrate rotational movements into training with the ability to layer on complexity to meet your goals. 

See more at: http://www.trxtraining.com/rip-training#sthash.PzjyUnuL.dpuf


Suspension Training (bodyweight exercise) develops strength, balance, flexibility and core stability simultaneously. The TRX® Suspension Trainer is a highly portable training tool that leverages gravity and the user’s body weight to complete hund…

Suspension Training (bodyweight exercise) develops strength, balance, flexibility and core stability simultaneously. The TRX® Suspension Trainer is a highly portable training tool that leverages gravity and the user’s body weight to complete hundreds of exercises. By simply adjusting your body position, you control the intensity of your workout, making TRX® ideal for all fitness levels from professional athletes to seniors.

See more at: http://www.trxtraining.com/suspension-training#sthash.245513EW.dpuf

Kettlebell Training

What is Kettlebell Training? Kettlebells are cast iron weights, ranging from 5 lbs to over 100 lbs, shaped like a ball with a handle for easy gripping. The kettlebell originated in Russia and was popular in the U.S. decades ago, but has hit a r…

What is Kettlebell Training? Kettlebells are cast iron weights, ranging from 5 lbs to over 100 lbs, shaped like a ball with a handle for easy gripping. The kettlebell originated in Russia and was popular in the U.S. decades ago, but has hit a resurgence in the last few years with a flurry of classes, videos and books. The reason? Kettlebells offer a different kind of training using dynamic moves targeting almost every aspect of fitness – endurance, strength, balance, agility and cardio endurance. People love it because it's challenging, efficient and you only need one piece of equipment.

The idea is to hold the kettlebell in one or both hands and go through a variety of swings (e.g., the one-arm swing), presses (e.g., clean, push and press) or pulling motions (e.g., the high pull). Some movements have you changing the weight from hand to hand as the weight swings up or as you move laterally, requiring you to stabilize the body and engage the core in a whole new way. Other moves require power from the legs and hips to move the weight, giving you integrated whole body movements that are often missing with other types of training.

See more at: http://exercise.about.com/od/exerciseworkouts/a/kettlebelltraining.htm


Corrective exercise

Almost every person has some sort of muscular dysfunction or imbalance that can lead to pain and injury. Corrective Exercise delivers a proven method that reduces dysfunction and helps people move, feel and live better.  CES founded on the principles of the National Academy of Sports Medicine Corrective Exercise Continuum (CEx); is a simple, yet highly effective process to improve, and ultimately, correct movement compensations.


Myofascial Release

First, self-myofascial release (SMR) is used on areas that have been identified as being overactive or shortened through assessments. When SMR is performed correctly it can reduce tension in a muscle and help to restore length.



Lengethening Techniques

The second step is to perform lengthening techniques. This is done with static stretching or neuromuscular stretching. Combining SMR with these stretching techniques has a synergistic effect that allows optimal length to be restored to a muscle.


Activation techniques

The third step is activating muscles that are underactive or weakened. This step uses either isolated strengthening exercises or positional isometrics to focus on intramuscular coordination. The completion of steps one through three prepares the human movement system to learn new optimal movement patterns.


Activating the muscles that stabilise the trunk including Transverse Abdominals (muscle that narrows the waist), Multifidi of the back, Glutes and Pelvic Floor. Yes we may get a 6 pack in the process ;)


Total Body Integration

The fourth and final step of the CEx is integration. The use of a total body exercise, once proper muscle length is restored and underactive muscles have been strengthened, will create better intermuscular communication. The improved communication will allow the nervous system to properly activate all muscles, resulting in correct movement patterns.

By following this simple process, we can quickly improve, and with time, correct a client’s movement compensation(s). This will lead you feeling better, moving better, and performing at higher levels!


Functional Awareness® 

(FA) is a practical somatic approach that provides a series of explorations in experiential anatomy to:

- enhance our understanding of movement function
- facilitate ease in body action
- mprove dynamic alignment

Laban/bartenieff Fundamentals

Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis uses a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating contributions from anatomy, kinesiology, psychology, Labanotation and many other fields. Bartenieff Fundamentals were developed by Irmgard Bartenieff who studied with Rudolph Laban and colleagues in Germany (1925). After coming to the United States in the 1940s, she became a physical therapist. She drew upon her complete background to develop a set of principles for corrective movement that came to be known as the "Bartenieff Fundamentals." Concepts and principles of kinesiological functioning are identified that are then embodied in particular exercises and extended into varied movement possibilities.

It is used as a tool by dancers, actors, musicians, athletes, dance/movement therapists, physical and occupational therapists, psychotherapy, peace studies, anthropology, business consulting, leadership development, health & wellness and is one of the most widely used systems of human movement analysis today. 

*adapted from http://alexandrabellerdances.org/laban/